A downloadable console

This project is a simple game console running on an ESP8266 with an OLED display and buttons. It includes several games such as Flappy Bird, Snake, Catch the Dot, and Dodge the Blocks.


  1. Hardware Setup:
    Connect your ESP8266 according to the schematic provided in the file Schematic_esp-game-console.pdfSchematic_esp-game-console
  2. Uploading Files:
    Upload the following two files to your ESP8266 using your preferred tool (e.g., Thonny, ampy, or WebREPL):
    • ssd1306.py
    • main.py
  3. Restart:
    Once the files are uploaded, restart your ESP8266.

Console Controls

  • Main Menu:
    When the ESP8266 starts, a menu is displayed on the screen. Use the following buttons to navigate:
    • Left Button: Move the selection up.
    • Right Button: Move the selection down.
    • Select (Up) Button: Confirm your selection and launch the game.
  • In-Game Controls:
    Each game has its own control scheme:
    • Flappy Bird: Press the jump button to make the bird fly upward. The bird falls due to gravity.
    • Snake: Use the directional buttons to control the movement of the snake.
    • Catch the Dot: Use the left and right buttons to move the player's square and catch the falling dot.
    • Dodge the Blocks: Use the left and right buttons to move the player's square and avoid falling blocks.

After a game over, the console will display a "Game Over" screen before returning to the main menu.


esp8266-game-console.zip 2.6 MB

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